Q-Plex Micronutrient Array

Q-Plex Micronutrient Array

Quansys Biosciences launches Q-Plex™ Micronutrient Array to combat malnutrition Effective and affordable new tool can identify up to seven key nutrition markers and malaria infection with a single test. Seattle, WA, January 23, 2017 — Quansys Biosciences and global...
Q-Plex Micronutrient Array

Quansys Biosciences & Allegheny Health Network Collaboration

Quansys Biosciences & Allegheny Health Network develop a novel 4-plex for use in the diagnosis of Esophageal Cancer Logan, UT, September 18, 2014—Quansys Biosciences and Allegheny Health Network have collaborated in the development of a novel 4-plex panel of...